CLIENT:  Tahitian Noni

PROJECT:  Tahitian Noni PR Stunt & TePoema Product Launch

OBJECTIVE:  To raise awareness and attract press attention for the Tahitian Noni brand.

TARGET:  Local/National Print and Electronic Media

EVENT/PROMOTION/STRATEGY:  OTG worked with Hill & Knowlton to bring Tahiti to Times Square, creating the ultimate union of Tahiti and New York City! OTG transformed Duffy Square (the TKTS Island) in Times Square into a giant ice-skating rink featuring large-scale TN branding and signage. A VIP, Press and viewing area along the entire perimeter of the island allowed thousands of individuals to view the unique event. Authentic Tahitian Dancers and Musicians were flown in from Tahiti to perform. A professional ice-skating group, outfitted in Tahitian costumes, performed original routines to Tahitian Music. The grand finale of the event was an original routine by Olympic Gold Medalist Katarina Witt. At the end of her routine, Katarina was presented with an authentic Tahitian lei flown in from Tahiti especially for the event.

MARKETS: New York City